Kyle Swan

California State University, Sacramento

Professor of Philosophy; Director of the Center for Practical and Professional Ethics at California State University, Sacramento. Swan teaches classes on Business Ethics, the Ethics of Technology, and the History of Ethics. Swan's research has appeared in academic journals such as the Journal of Private Enterprise, Philosophical Studies, and the Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy. Swan has also been published many book chapters and reviews, such as his chapter, Liberty, in Ben Ferguson and Matt Zwolinski (eds.) 2022 edited volume, The Routledge Companion to Libertarianism, and his review of J.B. Schneewind's, Essays on the History of Moral Philosophy, published in the Journal of Moral Philosophy. Swan earned his Bachelor's Degree from Grove City College, and his Ph.D. from Bowling Green State University, with a thesis titled, Republican Liberty and Needs: A Kantian Welfare State. Before his time with California State University, Sacramento, Swan served as a Visiting Instructor at the College of Charleston, an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth, a Visiting Fellow at the University of Notre Dame, a Communitas Fellow at Calvin College, a Visiting Fellow in the Freedom Center at the University of Arizona, and an Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore. Swan's current research focuses on religion & politics, the legal enforcement of morality, distributive justice, and environmental ethics.