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What Adam Smith Ate: The Hop Supper

April 21, 2021 Learn about the traditional European hop-harvest festival, with its accompanying "hop supper," and get the recipe for beer-braised pork loin roast!

What Adam Smith Ate: Ice Cream

November 6, 2022 While we don’t know if Adam Smith had a favorite flavor of ice cream, we do know that it was a popular treat in his circle. James Boswell writes that in 1775 he had “an excellent supper” at David Hume’s home in Edinburgh with “three sorts … Grains and other foodstuffs play a large role in Adam Smith’s discussions of how economies work. So far, we’ve discussed oats, potatoes, turnips, cheese, ale, and even herring. However, we’ve neglected a critical component of 18th century life – the dairy …

What Adam Smith Ate: Hogmanay and The Black Bun

February 7, 2023 Before the Reformation, the Black Bun was the Scottish version of a King Cake celebrating Epiphany or the day the three Kings arrived in Bethlehem. After the Reformation, it took on a more secular role as the cake served on New Year’s Day … … Wilmeth's What Adam Smith Ate: Christmas Punch James Hartley's Adam Smith Wants you to ENJOY the Holidays Paul Mueller's Scottish Christianity Before the 18th Century Image from Wikipedia Commons:

What Adam Smith Ate: Scotch Pie

March 31, 2021 Distinctive because of their straight-sided crust, pastry topper, and pate-like filling of spiced beef or lamb, these meat pies are still popular in Scotland as take-along snacks.

What Adam Smith Ate: Toulouse Cassoulet

May 5, 2021 Learn about a classic dish of the Toulouse region, cassoulet, and get the recipe to try to make it yourself!

What Adam Smith Ate: A Tribute to Strawberries

November 2, 2020 … for 5 minutes). Or, you can keep your jam in clean ½ pint jars in the refrigerator. Read the previous What Adam Smith Ate posts: The Picnic (Smoked Trout Rillettes) The Tavern Supper (Chicken & Muchsrooms) Scurvy, Tar Water, and Bone Broth (Bobe Broth)

What Adam Smith Ate: Celebrating Smith's 300th Birthday

June 27, 2023 … features? We'd love to hear from you. youtube:d0yge7lExJ8 Here are a few of our most popular What Adam Smith Ate columns Cream Crowdie Dessert at The Oyster Club Apple Charlotte Vinegar Hogmanay and The Black Bun Related posts Happy Birthday, Adam Smith!

Adam Smith, Robert Burns, and a Tipsy Laird (What Adam Smith Ate)

January 24, 2023 Adam Smith and Robert Burns admired and knew of each other. They even bought each other's books but, as far as we know, they never met in person. “Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o’ the puddin’ race!” As we approach the end of January, Scots around the world are preparing to celebrate an unofficial national holiday – Robert Burns Night. A Burns Night – or a Burns Supper – is …

Where Turnips Turn Up in Adam Smith's World

January 13, 2022 During Smith’s lifetime, he saw widespread changes in agriculture including land use, grain production, and the humble turnip was on the leading edge of this revolution. … mashed carrots or parsnips. You can also top your mashed turnips with chopped cooked bacon, chives, or green onions. Want to read more? Previous posts in our "What Adam Smith Ate" series Paul Schwennesen's Speaking of Smith post on "The Future of Farmers"

What Adam Smith Ate: Sugar Lumps and Strawberry Fool

June 23, 2021 Learn about Smith's sugar-lump habit, and how to make the eighteenth-century English equivalent of strawberry shortcake, "Strawberry Fool." One can almost imagine Adam Smith from the descriptions we’re fortunate enough to have. While many accounts paint him as absentminded or lost in thought, as he no doubt often was, others portray him as a lively host and clever conversationalist. In Rae’s …

Adam Smith, Madame Geneva, and the Consequences of Liquor Prohibition

February 1, 2022 When it came to using government to stem the tide of drunkenness, Smith wasn’t necessarily convinced it was the right answer. As he notes in 1762 in his Lectures on Jurisprudence “It is said indeed that taxes on those liquors prevent … … Tarnell Brown's A Brief Look at Why Prohibition Laws Don't Work - Econlib Daniel Okrent on Prohibition and His Book, Last Call - Econtalk episode John Alcorn's Common Rationales for Prohibitions - Econlib More on Adam Smith's Lectures on Jurisprudence

Adam Smith and David Hume’s Soup a la Reine

May 26, 2021 Learn how to make a version of the soup that some say David Hume helped to re-popularize in late-eighteenth-century Scotland.

What Adam Smith Ate: The Picnic

October 19, 2020 The year is 1764. Adam Smith has accepted a position as tutor to the young Duke of Buccleuch, an 18-year-old named Henry Scott. The plan is for Smith to accompany Mr. Scott on a tour of the continent and with the right introductions, Smith knows they will …

Adam Smith—Abducted!

July 14, 2021 Read about Adam Smith's abduction in infancy, and learn how to cook a Roma-style beef stew.