Speaking of Smith Archives
Institutional Competition and the Scottish Enlightenment
April 19, 2020
David Hume thought that the central advantage of this diversity of governments was related to the rise and progress of the arts and sciences.
David Hume thought that the central advantage of this diversity of governments was related to the rise and progress of the arts and sciences.
Diderot and the Art of Thinking Freely
Amy Willis for AdamSmithWorks
Part 4 of 4 of Amy Willis' #ReadWithMe on Andrew Curran's Diderot and the Art of Thinking Freely: Politics, Education, and Ideology
Part 4 of 4 of Amy Willis' #ReadWithMe on Andrew Curran's Diderot and the Art of Thinking Freely: Politics, Education, and Ideology
Adam Smith: Myths and Realities
Richard McKenzie for AdamSmithWorks
Myth 2: Adam Smith argued that the welfare gains from free trade among nations were limited to countries’ exploitation of their production cost advantages.
Myth 2: Adam Smith argued that the welfare gains from free trade among nations were limited to countries’ exploitation of their production cost advantages.