ASW Paper Preview: Michelle Schwarze on "Adam Smith on Education as a Means to Political Judgment."

education politics political discourse paper preview political judgment

March 29, 2023

Michelle Schwarze discusses her paper "Adam Smith on Education as a Means to Political Judgment." Some big names get this wrong (Hayek, Friedman, Buchanan). Watch and find out how to get it right. 
Michelle Schwarze is our latest guest in a new AdamSmithWorks series that will preview modern, academic work related to the life, times, and ideas of Adam Smith. Schwarze is an Associate Professor of Political Science. Her research focuses on the intersection of moral psychology and political theory, especially in the eighteenth century and in Adam Smith’s works. Also, she currently serves on the executive board of the International Adam Smith Society as the Secretary-Treasurer.

The paper we focused on is "Adam Smith on Education as a Means to Political Judgment" which Schwarze co-authored with Edward Frame. It was published in Political Research Quarterly

You can watch the 12-minute conversation here

Mentioned in this conversation
Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments, Book 5

Alexandra Oprea's "Adam Smith on Political Judgment: Revisiting the Political Theory of the Wealth of Nations" in the Journal of Politics

Yiftah Elazar’s “Adam Smith and the Wealth-Worshiping Spectator” in the Journal of the History of Economic Thought

Other items of interest
Michelle Schwarze’s AdamSmithWorks "Smith Questionnaire" (and ALL the Smith Questionnaires)

Brianne Wolf’s AdamSmithWorks Paper Preview on “Adam Smith’s Cosmopolitan Liberalism: Taste, Political Economy, and Objectification” in Polity.

Jack Russell Weinstein’s 2-part Adam Smith on Education: Socialization and Acculturation and Schooling

Jonathan Jacobs’ Adam Smith on Moral Education