Speaking of Smith: Top Ten Posts

"speaking of smith" lists

April 13, 2023

AdamSmithWorks has been posting Speaking Of Smith posts for over three years. We looked at the most viewed posts and pulled them together for your enjoyment and education. 
Why does December get all the "Best of" lists? Maybe it's just easy filler for when people are on vacation. But spring is also a lovely time to reflect on what the past has brought and to dream about what the future may hold. 

I'm not sure any of the below posts could have been identified at the time of submission or publication as a sure thing for our Top Ten. But they were seen, and read, and shared among our audience and by us.  Some authors may be surprised to be on the list or on the list for the specific piece that did so well. It's hard to know which seeds will grow. 

Of Note: 

AdamSmithWorks Speaking of Smith Top Ten List
Why Does the Division of Labor Matter (August 12, 2019)
Brianne Wolf

Adam Smith and the Costs of the Division of Labor (July 3, 2020)
Alex Aragona

Adam Smith and Stadial Theory (January 20, 2020)
John Burrow

Bargaining with the Butcher, Baker, and Brewer: A New Look at Smith’s Most Famous Sentences (January 17, 2021)
Jacob Sider Jost

There’s No Such Thing as Deregulation (April 8, 2019)
Dylan DelliSanti

What Adam Smith Ate: Apple Charlotte (October 19, 2022)
Renee Wilmeth

Taylor Swift's Anti-Hero as a Smithian Anthem (March 20, 2023)
Joy Buchanan

Why do we Admire Celebrities? (June 24, 2019)
Jon Murphy

Three Ways of Looking at the Water-Diamond “Paradox” (April 14, 2021)
Kwok Ping Tsang

What Adam Smith Ate: Cream Crowdie Dessert at The Oyster Club (April 19, 2022)
Renee Wilmeth